Saturday, October 17, 2020

How our Ancestors celebrated Mother's day

Before the Modern concept of 'Mothers Day' celebrations, our people celebrated Mothers Day in a Unique and specific tradition. Before I share the tradition, let me share why they did this. In a story In the Ancient Days, before the existence of earth, even before the existence of Heaven. Thee Father lived a more basic life, because he was only just starting to create interactive images like a cartoon. He did this because he was extreemely(understatement of the century) lonely, imagine if you will, that you are the only one on planet earth and everywhere around you it was desolate without plants or animals, so you were completely alone, but you were the size of an ant. This is what His loneliness felt like in a vast space of nothing. :blues: No matter how minute the detail of His interactive creations, or how loving they were, all He could feel was his own presence and he also realised that they were limited to his design and imagination they werent able to freely choose. Which again reminded him how lonely he truly was. His interactive creations felt his lonliness to the very cores of their beings, and nothing they did no matter how loving could heal this lonliness he had. And for Ten thousand years he tried every way to create life its was his only desire and mission. At which time he mad with rage and violence, truly ugly times. This is God whom can create and destroy and during those times he destroyed ALOT... But it did not take him long to realise that did nothing either, in which he began to fall in a deep sadness then from deep sadness to the deepest depression you could possibly imagine. Because he still tried and failed to create life every time not matter how different no matter how unique. A few thousand years later, he had an epiphany, from his days when he fought against the darkness. He realised if he could pierce through the darkness, like a knife cuts through flesh, could he do that to Himself? The answer is yes. He could... So now he found a way to commit suicide. But he still had enough sense and coherency regardless of the immense loneliness he felt, to keep trying to create life. But at some point everyone meets their breaking point, and after trying a billion different ways to create life and fail still. The thought of ending his life eroded his mind like an infectious disease. So finally after trying so hard, he was a broken god. And he could not bare being alone anymore. His creations pleaded with him, to no avail because they were like programs like of a computer. His sorrow and loneliness drowned out their pleas, he knew that if he killed himself his creations would die also. At this point, nothing could stop him, and with every cut into his life essence, the volume of the pleas from his creations began to dissipate. He wept beyond imagination as he did this, it was a long slow and painful process. He could sense the very end of his life near, he knew without a doubt he was close he knew one more cut and ALL LIFE would cease. As he was about to deliver his final blow. He stoppped... "Something's different" he thought in his mind. He felt a presence that wasn't his own he felt LIFE different from his own. He turned around and there before him was this Beautiful Woman in White. Mother... So this story was told to those who did not have the sight, from the Chief of the their tribes as they celebrated Mother's Day known as Rahina = Moon day(Mon day). And they honoured her by staring up into the moon remembering how She saved Us ALL. How she brought light during God's darkest moment.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

True Love

Is like you being drunk as a skunk and me waking you up when you just fell asleep an hour ago. Hungover and angry as hell.

True love is like the both of us in the middle of The Sea and I throw you overboard well away from the boat, forcing you to swim back to it not even helping you to get back into the boat.
REAL love is like dipping your head under the sea, while you're still trying to get back on the boat

True love is like throwing you into The FIRE and watching you burn, with a bucket of water right next to me, instead, I stand and just watch.

True love is like severing you in half with THE GREATEST SWORD and watching as your body goes cold, disregarding it as if it was actually dirt.

Interpret, and decipher its meaning.


Is like you being drunk as a skunk and me waking you up when you just fell asleep an hour ago. Hungover and angry as hell.

True love is like the both of us in the middle of The Sea and I throw you overboard well away from the boat, forcing you to swim back to it not even helping you to get back into the boat.
REAL love is like dipping your head under the sea, while you're still trying to get back on the boat

True love is like throwing you into The FIRE and watching you burn, with a bucket of water right next to me, instead, I stand and just watch.

True love is like severing you in half with THE GREATEST SWORD and watching as your body goes cold, disregarding it as if it was actually dirt.

Interpret, and decipher its meaning.

Explaanation: yay heart beating
You being a drunk is being drunk on this world because you know nothing else, and the only way for you to sober up is me giving part of my life essence from the very heart and most deepest part of my soul. But it also allows you on the first step to the nine gates of Heaven. So Father to All gives you permission on that step, because of My Life essence within you. (Life Essence of Heaven)

The middle of the Sea is the Sea of Heaven, The Holy Waters, and when you drink from The Sea, you will not drown and die no, you will live forever. But the natural reaction of any human being is to hold their breathe in the sea. And to not drink of THE Holy Water is the greatest insult you could make EVER, in which you would be thrown into the dark. So I keep your head under until you drink from Him.

The Great Wall of Fire will burn out every single sin in you, f*ck yea its gonna hurt, but at least you will live to tell the tale unlike many many others who will not, because of My Life Essence within you.

And if you havent figured out the last part yet of my riddle. that sword is My Life essence within you. severing the beast.

The story of Adam how he got his name. And why it means condemned to Hell

Because what he did and failed to do, is how he got his name, like how I am in my fav game 'Dota 2', he got cocky. The fallen one may not have had the strength to overwhelm Adam. But he did have the patience to wait Him out. For many months Lucifer tried with brute force, to take on Adamn and failed everytime. So Lucifer waited, and waited, and he waited...

By this time adam had relaxed into a stupor state of mind, believing that Lucifer had given up on Eve. But as we all know the story, it was faaaaaar from over.

So, here we have adam who was more than capable of keeping the fallen one at bay, who has gone to see another lady friend in the garden of Eden. Just so you know there were many men and women in the garden, it is just this story is remembered mostly because of what Eve went through. So yea, Eve was left alone unprotected. See what people fail to realise is that Lucifer was known as the deceiver and the bringer of light for a reason. He was a MAster at his craft, that he deceived Eve into thinking that he was adam down to the core of his being, you need to understand that what Our Father could do so could Lucifer, because he was given the treasure to create. SO lucifer chose to create an ALMOST adam double, the one part of you that never changes is at the heart of ones soul.

Where does the cockiness come into play here? well, I said he left Eve unprotected not unguarded, he used a spell that guarded her, how it worked was like an alarm system against thieves, in this case it was an alarm system that instantly teleported adam back to Eve in an instant. Now the spell could not be altered in anyway whatsoever without adam knowing, a single change would trip the alarm system, and adam would instantly appear. So the only one's that CAN disable it was Adamn and EVE...

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Origin of "The Cat with 9 lives"

The Story goes, that there is a lion in Heaven who guards the 9 gates in which We enter through.
So, since there are 9 gates they needed 9 lions to guard it, in turn the guardian to the gate created 9 lions of the same lion. Keeping in mind that the guardian has many tools at his disposal one being creating or doubling up.

To Us hes a harmless kitten, the ones who are forbidden entry, hes a giant, his head is the size of a house, and he eats their heads off. Literally. But that is not to say we do not go through the same process. Only difference is We dont lose our Heads.

So the guard and the lion whom both willingly serve all who live in Heaven protect the 9 gates for all eternity. Until the day someone finds a way around them, so that others may enter too.

But Our Father has anticipated this eventuality, because of the nature of the beast. as they say.

Imagine, if you will, that the Gates of Heaven acts like a Highly protected Computer, He is the User and His Room is the Throne and Himself in One.
Complicated I know but we'll get to that perhaps in another blog, because yes it may take that long to reveal? lol.

Getting back to the PC, and like all computers they are prone to viruses, however this virus was born in the PC and was not aware of himself becoming the virus. Until the appointed time in which he does become one. So like any virus its removed completely from the system and the pc gets formatted with a new OS, but formatting the pc was not enough, since the virus is evolving over time after being extracted, and placed into a vault, that he has left sometimes.

So he creates a program, that counters the integrated virus within the pc both hardware and software and integrates over top of the virus. So that all the mini-users will have the option of use to both the old and new system while all getting permission through the new system. And so far it has worked flawlessly, see what you have failed to realize dear reader that The User loves all that he creates. virus included...
The User is giving the virus the chance to evolve into something more loving of his own status. Because unbeknown to the world the virus was one of the highly honored, which is why the virus has been forgiven so often, before the change in nature.
Even the User hopes, this time he will change...

Back to the PC story.
The User realises he needs a whole new system that not only completely eradicates the virus while leaving the system in-tact, but it stays that way for ALL eternity and can never be manipulated ever again as well as the pc itseelf including the Throne is altered. Given that the virus was an earlier made program in the earlier days of the making of the pc it has to be a NEW Program the virus has never had contact with., but at the same time using what is already available.

Now in relation to the lion and the guardian there is nothing they can do to stop him from coming and going. however his children may never given access only he is.
But the virus is removed every time faster than the previous times because over time the pc has been upgrading for sometime now.

So he knows that after removing the virus the first time formatting the PC and introducing the new system over top of the old system it worked quite well. So he adjusts the new system, and creates a growing and self sustaining firewall from the previous new system. The Firewall will burn out all the virus has integrated itself into, and continue to grow until the virus will have no place to go except to see the user. Because none of his own programs he uses are working to sustain his self. In the end he loses all but his life and is thrown into the dark vault, where all the other naughty children currently remain.

This is my story enjoy or not lol

Monday, May 25, 2020

Sin and Servant

Has anyone told you that the devil is from Heaven and has no relation to Lucifer/Satan except that they are from totally different natures? Do you even know, which of the two names is known as the the fallen name?

Getting back to the The Servant aka the devil, aka the grim reaper, are literally doing gods work?

Contrary to belief Christ himself claims HE is the 'Early Morning Star' revelation 22:16 which is ironic given in Movies when they committed that atrocity of killing new borns, just to kill Christ, Even on his birth there was that same star shining so brightly during both day and night continuously even BEFORE his birth that same star shone so bright for the 3 wise kings to follow it. Hence it was given the very name Bright and Early Morning Star.
Yes there are some parts that contradict what are said in the bible like isaiah 14:12.
So you guys calling Christ a liar? and how many revisions or NEW versions have been written and re-written over the past 3k years or so hmm? You going to believe so blindly still? Clearly you enjoy the game of chinese whispers.

But yet you so called faithful christians somehow missed that little tidbit of information?
So the very person you claim to love you have hated since idk forever?

If thats not enough for you, lets look at the reaper and the day of harvest. Mark 4:29 does the farmer not reap what he sows? So Christ is the farmer is he not? who reaps from his Harvest? The grim part of it is removing all the weed in the field not only that the weeds that are intimately intertwined with the harvest has to be carefully extracted.
And there are so many to be harvest during those days to come. but the weed far out number the wheat as it is said. Its a Grim job but someone has to Reap it. grin

And if that is not enough for you then my final piece of proof that the devil is truly Christ. Matthew 3:11-13
His winnowing fork is in his hand and he will clear his threshing floor and will gather his wheat into the granary; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.
And for those of you that dont know what a winnowing fork looks like devil this little red guy is holding one

Thursday, May 21, 2020

In Honour to the 3 In Heaven. Christ Mother and HOly Spirit.

Well as I was interpreting Our 7 days Maori to English, because I was truly curious, I knew these 7 days all my life never knew the true meanings.

I will share With you the Maori Names related to Sun - Sat and the meanings
Ra = day
Ratapu = Sunday        --> HOly day
Rahina = Monday       --> Moon day
Ratu = Tuesday           --> fight day
Ra apa = Wednesday  --> slave day
Rapare = Thursday     --> fasting day or abstain day/avoid day
Ramere = Friday        --> Venus day
Rahoroi = Saturday    --> Wash day

So for those that dont know why we have Venus day, because Venus is known as the Bright and early morning star in relation to the bible. I hate however the misinterpret in movies. So Revelation 22:16 Christ claims himself as the bright and early morning star.
So yes it would appear we knew of him as well.

Moon day for Maori the moon is in Honor to Our Mother of Heaven. Sunday is in Honor to The First Born commonly known as The Holy Spirit, Venus day is in Honor of Christ who saved Us. So how does one actually Honor them? Simple. Stare at them with them in Mind.
The Moon is truly fitting because she brought light into a world full of darkness at a time when Our Father needed her most. Imagine from Our Father's perspective being lonely for ten thousand years. So when you feel lonely you get a mere droplet of how lonely He was truly feeling.

Slave day means we serve others

Why fight day? well there might be different interpretations to this but, in my eyes, it is in Honor of how The HOly Spirit was born,

Wash day or day of cleansing, but which is it?
The body or the Mind and through the Soul? You choose.

Happy Venus day peoples.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Aotearoa (Long Mist World)

Aotearoa Paheka(foreigner) translated the word Aotearoa as land of the long white cloud. No. The true Meaning is Long(roa) Mist(tea) World(Ao), it appears as one word, for this is how we originally wrote our sentences wewrotethemtogether in reverse. Long Mist World is not just New Zealand, its everywhere in every country, back in the old days when English met Maori, Te Rangatira of the time were extremely intelligent, they were asked to describe the land which is currently called NZ. And said Aotearoa. They weren't talking about the country, but The Mist, they knew somewhere in the future someone would stumble upon this, and know what they are referring to. Hidden in plain sight a word that is older than time, an Ancient word worth more than all currency combined. Maori Cosmology startss with Te Whare Whakairo (Carved House) The Outside of the house is called Te Ao Marama (Moon World), inside is called Te Ao Po (Night World). I am going to talk about inside the Carved House. refer to: Why is the Whare referring to night? Because the reason there are tukutuku panels around their entire walls except the back is a state of Mind and Light Spirit connect. IT is telling instructions of what is to be done. A pole with the carving of a Statue represents Te Rangatira, as the story goes Te Rangatira is the Heart of his world and sees words of Heaven in all directions of his entire vision by focusing at one point. Te Rangatira is telling how he sees The Mist from the within Te Whare Whakairo. and if you have a close look you will see paua shells in the eyes of the statue, represents his Soul's Mind. Google "inside wharenui" and you will see what most Carved houses look like Inside there are carved walls (poupou) refer to: whats curious about these images is that they look like sets of stairs and when given a closer look of these panels you can see they are made up of "X's" But in fact they are T's lying down or in its edge, this is known as the 1st word of Heaven 'T', also known asthe cross of light by english definition. Te as in second change s to T Tecond remove cond Te(proper pronunciation extremely important) Te is a silent 'e' Te is the first letter(word) of the Maori Language, Te Reo Maori, for it is also the heart of all words and the 1st Word of Heaven. and as the story goes, The Stair Way to Heaven(not the song) is through many words of Heaven origin, which u must learn to reach the top. Using Te in a sentence is our way of acknowledging the first word created. I see The Mist. Daily... The video that comes close to this is 'the mating dance of the fireflies' refer to: 1:43 is the start ofthe dance If you wish to learn how to see this Mist, ask.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Breast CP Theory

An early warning sign to breast cancer, before even the formation of the cancer cell itself, is a sudden release or expelling of milk from the breast, even when your not pregnant or have never been pregnant at all, in your life, and yet out of nowhere you expel milk.

Of the ladies that have gone through more than 3-5 pregnancies will find that your breasts will go through what I have dubbed as 'auto-milk' mode.
Because of your previous children your breasts have gotten into a routine of providing milk, and you will find the 'auto-milk' mode starts when you began breast feeding your youngest.

So the idea is to encourage and help extract the milk like as if you are breast feediing a child. in fact do exactly that.

I will explain why it prevents breast cancer in a moment.

Those who have infertility but still expel milk, its very simplle and straight forward. The milk in your breasts are saying, "I want out", "let me out, I don't care that you have no children, I still want out."

Now there is a muscle/organ Lobule that acts as sack/sponge and it is alot like a nightclub. Then there is the myoepithelial cell that acts as a bouncer at a night club. And the Lactiferous acts as a water pipeline but for milk that is connected between the nightclub and the exit doors being the nipple.
So when the night club gets crowded, and theres a possibility of a build up of new milk, the bouncer gets a signal from the female brain to start kicking everyone out. But because there are a multiple number of night clubs Mammary glands, each one reacts differently in terms of effort or pressure due to different locations inside the breast. So how the bouncer works is it squeezes, everyone out of the night club, to make room for new milk, and the lower the night club is located the more pressure is needed to kick out the milk. But before any of that happens, the brain does a test to see if the milk is actually leaving the pipeline. The brain nominates the bottom club because the child suckling on the breast would require effort from the child which the Areola picks up on and lets the rest of the clubs know that yes theres a baby there. Which is known as the "Let Down Reflex".

So what happens when the bottom night club/s (Lobule/s) is completely closed over long periods of time, due to milk still sitting idle in the pipeline? Like any muscle it starts to hurt and itt begins to take its toll on the bouncer which causes deterioration and creates the cancer cell.

So in summary, encourage the release of the milk for the rest of your life and you will never get breast cancer. Also if you see double letters it is not a typo, but a natural effect of me emphasizing the word with the double letters in it.

New Theory for extracting
Or if the female's upper body is parallel with the ground so now we have the breast, via gravity, in a position where the entire pipeline is naturally dropping the milk out of the clubs on their own. like the top part of the clubs naturally allow the flow of the milk to exit it's club when a female is standing or in sitting up position so to are the bottom clubs. .
While in this position you stimulate the Aerola to coerce the milk in leaving the pipeline without having to produce more milk in the clubs, because there is no suction effect which the brain lets the breast know this is the case. In relation to the "Let Down Reflex" This theory also explains why women get lumps on the underside of their breasts, please whomever reads this I urge you to share it