Saturday, August 1, 2020

The story of Adam how he got his name. And why it means condemned to Hell

Because what he did and failed to do, is how he got his name, like how I am in my fav game 'Dota 2', he got cocky. The fallen one may not have had the strength to overwhelm Adam. But he did have the patience to wait Him out. For many months Lucifer tried with brute force, to take on Adamn and failed everytime. So Lucifer waited, and waited, and he waited...

By this time adam had relaxed into a stupor state of mind, believing that Lucifer had given up on Eve. But as we all know the story, it was faaaaaar from over.

So, here we have adam who was more than capable of keeping the fallen one at bay, who has gone to see another lady friend in the garden of Eden. Just so you know there were many men and women in the garden, it is just this story is remembered mostly because of what Eve went through. So yea, Eve was left alone unprotected. See what people fail to realise is that Lucifer was known as the deceiver and the bringer of light for a reason. He was a MAster at his craft, that he deceived Eve into thinking that he was adam down to the core of his being, you need to understand that what Our Father could do so could Lucifer, because he was given the treasure to create. SO lucifer chose to create an ALMOST adam double, the one part of you that never changes is at the heart of ones soul.

Where does the cockiness come into play here? well, I said he left Eve unprotected not unguarded, he used a spell that guarded her, how it worked was like an alarm system against thieves, in this case it was an alarm system that instantly teleported adam back to Eve in an instant. Now the spell could not be altered in anyway whatsoever without adam knowing, a single change would trip the alarm system, and adam would instantly appear. So the only one's that CAN disable it was Adamn and EVE...

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