Thursday, May 21, 2020

In Honour to the 3 In Heaven. Christ Mother and HOly Spirit.

Well as I was interpreting Our 7 days Maori to English, because I was truly curious, I knew these 7 days all my life never knew the true meanings.

I will share With you the Maori Names related to Sun - Sat and the meanings
Ra = day
Ratapu = Sunday        --> HOly day
Rahina = Monday       --> Moon day
Ratu = Tuesday           --> fight day
Ra apa = Wednesday  --> slave day
Rapare = Thursday     --> fasting day or abstain day/avoid day
Ramere = Friday        --> Venus day
Rahoroi = Saturday    --> Wash day

So for those that dont know why we have Venus day, because Venus is known as the Bright and early morning star in relation to the bible. I hate however the misinterpret in movies. So Revelation 22:16 Christ claims himself as the bright and early morning star.
So yes it would appear we knew of him as well.

Moon day for Maori the moon is in Honor to Our Mother of Heaven. Sunday is in Honor to The First Born commonly known as The Holy Spirit, Venus day is in Honor of Christ who saved Us. So how does one actually Honor them? Simple. Stare at them with them in Mind.
The Moon is truly fitting because she brought light into a world full of darkness at a time when Our Father needed her most. Imagine from Our Father's perspective being lonely for ten thousand years. So when you feel lonely you get a mere droplet of how lonely He was truly feeling.

Slave day means we serve others

Why fight day? well there might be different interpretations to this but, in my eyes, it is in Honor of how The HOly Spirit was born,

Wash day or day of cleansing, but which is it?
The body or the Mind and through the Soul? You choose.

Happy Venus day peoples.

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