Saturday, April 25, 2020

Breast CP Theory

An early warning sign to breast cancer, before even the formation of the cancer cell itself, is a sudden release or expelling of milk from the breast, even when your not pregnant or have never been pregnant at all, in your life, and yet out of nowhere you expel milk.

Of the ladies that have gone through more than 3-5 pregnancies will find that your breasts will go through what I have dubbed as 'auto-milk' mode.
Because of your previous children your breasts have gotten into a routine of providing milk, and you will find the 'auto-milk' mode starts when you began breast feeding your youngest.

So the idea is to encourage and help extract the milk like as if you are breast feediing a child. in fact do exactly that.

I will explain why it prevents breast cancer in a moment.

Those who have infertility but still expel milk, its very simplle and straight forward. The milk in your breasts are saying, "I want out", "let me out, I don't care that you have no children, I still want out."

Now there is a muscle/organ Lobule that acts as sack/sponge and it is alot like a nightclub. Then there is the myoepithelial cell that acts as a bouncer at a night club. And the Lactiferous acts as a water pipeline but for milk that is connected between the nightclub and the exit doors being the nipple.
So when the night club gets crowded, and theres a possibility of a build up of new milk, the bouncer gets a signal from the female brain to start kicking everyone out. But because there are a multiple number of night clubs Mammary glands, each one reacts differently in terms of effort or pressure due to different locations inside the breast. So how the bouncer works is it squeezes, everyone out of the night club, to make room for new milk, and the lower the night club is located the more pressure is needed to kick out the milk. But before any of that happens, the brain does a test to see if the milk is actually leaving the pipeline. The brain nominates the bottom club because the child suckling on the breast would require effort from the child which the Areola picks up on and lets the rest of the clubs know that yes theres a baby there. Which is known as the "Let Down Reflex".

So what happens when the bottom night club/s (Lobule/s) is completely closed over long periods of time, due to milk still sitting idle in the pipeline? Like any muscle it starts to hurt and itt begins to take its toll on the bouncer which causes deterioration and creates the cancer cell.

So in summary, encourage the release of the milk for the rest of your life and you will never get breast cancer. Also if you see double letters it is not a typo, but a natural effect of me emphasizing the word with the double letters in it.

New Theory for extracting
Or if the female's upper body is parallel with the ground so now we have the breast, via gravity, in a position where the entire pipeline is naturally dropping the milk out of the clubs on their own. like the top part of the clubs naturally allow the flow of the milk to exit it's club when a female is standing or in sitting up position so to are the bottom clubs. .
While in this position you stimulate the Aerola to coerce the milk in leaving the pipeline without having to produce more milk in the clubs, because there is no suction effect which the brain lets the breast know this is the case. In relation to the "Let Down Reflex" This theory also explains why women get lumps on the underside of their breasts, please whomever reads this I urge you to share it 

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